Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)

Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)

SIPA with the support of ITC-Govt of MP implemented the most prestigious IWMP project in sehore block, having a clear vision to strengthen the PRIs with this programme and to create Watershed Model.

The project area comprises of 10 villages under 6 micro watersheds. The project area forms the catchment of Kolans River which feeds badatalab of Bhopal. The Area is located at an average distance of 14 km from Sehore district on Sehore - Bhopal link road via bikisganj. The project falls under Vindhyan plateau agro climate Zone having undulated topography.

The total proposed treatable area is 4577 Haand the total project cost is Rs. 549.24 lakhs. Most of the area is affected by sheet erosion having average soil lost of 7-8 tonnes per hectares / per year. To address all these problem the programme is being implemented.

The different activities take under this are as follows:

Silt Monitoring Unit (SMU)

With the support of ITC one SMU was installed in Village Ramakhedi to monitor the Silt Load as well as flood depth variation against Rainfall from a single micro watershed. The continuous data will support the impact assessment of treatment works done under IWMP-project.

Sustainable Water for Agricultural Rejunavation (SWAR)

300 Plants were covered Planted in Panchayati Land in village Uljhawan. The basic objective was to ensure required irrigation by increasing the water use efficiency. The System was fusion of drip system and root zone irrigation mechanism which reduces evaporation losses to almost zero and also irrigates plants in root zone. The result of this system was marvellous since mortality was zero and all the 300 plants were surviving in the month of June having 46 degree Celsius temp.

Demonstration of Living Compost & Amritpani (Organic Manuring)

In village Uljhawan demonstration was carried out about Living Compost and Amritpani to 25 Farmers from 10 villages of Watershed. The use of Navdanya Seeds (9 different varieties of cereal/Oilseed seed) made it suitable for any crop since the microbes were available for all types of crops. This activity reduces the chemical fertilizer requirement and also increases the resistivity against diseases. The results of use of amritpani and living compost were shared during the month of July with the farmers and farmers were motivated to replicate this activity in their fields.

Farmer Field School (FFS)

5 FFS were opened in five villages having 25 leading farmers in each FFS. The concept behind this was that all the demonstration or technical trainings related to farmers will be carried out with these leading farmers and each member will demonstrate/teach to other 5-10 farmers. All the members were surveyed for the base line data and current practices under Agriculture.

Self Help Group Formation (SHGs)

25 SHGs were formed during the period. These SHGs are selected based on the Wealth Being Ranking (WBR) as well as secondary data. Focus was given to marginalized & weaker section. These SHGs will play a major role under IWMP livelihood programme. 24 SHGs are proposed for first grading and also being assessed for livelihood plan.

Watershed Committees (WCs)

9 Watershed committees were formed during the reporting period. These committees were formed during the gram sabha having at least 1 representative from each SHGs and UGs following the rules of IWMP. These Committees will be main instruments for watershed activities in all phase of watershed programme.

Trainings & Capacity Building (TCB)

WC Secretaries and KisanMitra under MSK were given one day training on their roles and responsibilities. District Programme Coordinator also interacted with these youth to change the scenario of their villages by this programme.

Various others on field training programmes were organized for the FFS members on various relevant issues. One exposure was also carried out to Srijan, Ichchhawar& KVK. 2 Rally on Seed Treatment was organized in two villages Ramakhedi & Uljhawan.

Meetings & Ratri Chaupal (MRC)

Several informal meetings were conducted with the villagers having the presence of project staff as well as ITC officials to increase the quality of derivable of the programm. Most of the villages attended the programme and different issues related to the project were discussed during that meeting. These types of meeting help in addressing the different problem and ensure the participation of all villagers.